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Robins Club Opens @ 6 pm

The Six Ages of Woman

Robins Club Opens @ 6 pm

All Ages
Sunday, May 11
Doors: 1pm Show: 2pm
$18 to $25

Mary Faktor’s one-woman show, The Six Ages of Woman, has been a smash hit for decades! Women who first experienced Mary’s side-splitting humor back in the 1980s are now bringing their own grown daughters to see the PG-rated show. And for good reason: Mary’s timeless message of hope, change and growth is more relevant and hilarious than ever. Mary Faktor continually updates the show to keep up with the times.

This show is truly the ultimate girl’s night out!

“The Six Ages of Woman” chronicles the life of “Vicki” through hilarious phone conversations with her best friend “Madge.” Although we never see Vicki’s husband, children, or best friend, by the end of the hour-and-fifteen-minute show, you’ll know them all quite intimately. Watch time pass before your eyes as Vicki changes from starry-eyed teenager discovering love, to newlywed bride full of romantic dreams, to expectant mother anticipating the joys of parenthood, to frenzied housewife with over-active toddlers, to menopausal woman reentering the workforce, to grandmother beginning her retirement. You will likely see a part of yourself during some phase of Vicki’s metamorphosis and you will laugh at yourself while doing so.

About Mary Faktor

Mary is a member of the Screen Actors’ Guild, American Federation of Television & Radio Artists, Global Speakers Federation, National Speakers Association, and is a graduate of the Second City of Chicago. She is listed in IMDb and her film credits include American Splendor with Paul Giamotti.